Instructions on how to make gifts for animals popup card

The kids love to make their own meaningful animal popup cards with different animals. Making popup cards is also one of the well-known jobs on websites and forums. Not only keeping the original purpose only used for birthdays. Animals popup cards are made for many different occasions and situations. Learn how to create your own unique card. 

What do you need to prepare to make animals popup cards?

To be able to make your own popup card with cute animals, you need to prepare yourself the necessary tools. For example, scissors, tape, card paper, colored paper, etc. Besides, depending on the level of sophistication you can create, you need to prepare more colorful glitter or other colored paper to make your card more unique and eye-catching. 

Depend on your preferences to prepare more meaningful decorations. Because making cards depends on each person’s creativity, it is not necessarily limited to a framework. 

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Steps to make Animals popup card

Please apply the detailed instructions for you to be able to make your own funny and lovely animal popup card.

Step 1: Divide the paper to start folding the card

Any card needs to be properly arranged by you to create balance. First you need to figure out the size of the card you want, then simply trim it. Next is to fold the card in two so that it is firm and straight. You can also use cutting tools to make the card look more neat and professional.

Step 2: Create an animal shape

This is the stage that requires meticulousness and ingenuity from you. Determine in advance which animal you want to shape and bring it inside the card. Then, use colored paper or special paper used to make cards to fold, cut, and paste the animal image in the center of the card.

Before the animal collage pops up, you should draw the outline of the animal first to make the folding process faster. One more thing to note is that the image of the animal placed in the card should be smaller than the cardboard appearance.

If the image is too big, the card will be out of balance and unsightly. The color of the animal image inside should also be chosen in harmony with the tone of the whole card so that the card becomes more delicate.

popup greeting cards

Step 3: Decorate and fix the animal image

After having the pop-up image of the card, the next stage in the card making process is to decorate and fix the image. You need to use double-sided tape or masking tape to secure your animal figure.

The most suitable place to place this image is in the center of the card. When opening the card, this image will emerge, creating excitement for the little ones. After you have fixed the image, you can take a look again to decorate or remove some decorative details for your card. 

Applying the above steps you will have completed animals popup card. Currently, VIETNAM POPUP CARD AND HANDICRAFRS, JSC is also the address that provides animals popup cards with many different designs that you can refer to.

>>> XEM THÊM: Important information you should know about pop cards

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